You can’t build a modern, fully equipped youth center without a professional architect. So when it came time to choose one, The Way selected Wayne Clayton (pictured) of CS Design Inc. He’s now a Proud Supporter of this ministry.
Since early 2015, he has provided hundred of hours of pro bono services, saving The Way thousands of dollars in professional fees. “I am glad to be able to help an organization that means so much to the community. Cadiz has been good to us and we are pleased to give back when we can,” Wayne says.
His professionalism and expertise in designing the new facility, coordinating with other architects and engineers, working with the state to get plans approved for building, and performing other duties has been absolutely invaluable through the entire process.
The Way thanks the Lord for the generosity and selfless service of people like Wayne Clayton. Should you ever need a top-notch architect for your project, we highly recommend him.
CS Design’s local office is at 67 Main Street. Wayne can be reached at 270.522.7505.