The Way receives various kinds of support from area churches. Some provide financial support, for which we’re grateful.
Other churches also get physically involved with day-to-day operations and fundraising.
Roaring Spring Christian Church is one of those churches. It’s also a new Proud Supporter of The Way.
Besides financial backing, some church members provide devotionals. Others have prepared desserts to help us with fundraising events. Pastor Eric Harris can often be found at The Way, leading devotions and volunteering for other tasks. He and his congregation feel it’s important to provide Christian leadership to our youth, who will be the leaders of tomorrow.
We truly appreciate the effort this church puts in to furthering our ministry.
Roaring Spring Christian Church is located at 228 Military Road in Herndon. Sunday School starts at 10 a.m., with church beginning at 11 a.m. The phone number is (270) 271-2211.